

4 月

pda phone-3G applies Zhang Xiangdong of author of


pda phone3G applies Zhang Xiangdong of author of portal of 3G of about-face special interview

2009-12-12 10:51:34

unlocked phones; Beijing time on September 16, 2009 morning 9:30, china International information corresponded 2009 exhibition (P&T/WIRELESS&NETWORKS COMM CHINA 2009) the new house of center of China International exhibition that v/arc be on the throne arranges justice area at Beijing kicks off formally. This is China is entered3GIndustry of first large communication is exhibited since the first year of an era or the reign of an emperor meeting, also be complete Asia dimensions at the same time the communication exhibition with the the biggest, largest force.

More and wonderful, all be in Http://mobile.zol.com.cn/topic/1472312.html

   And in the special interview in the last day, we arrived please3GFather Mr Zhang Xiangdong of the portal, in time of short 20 minutes of interviews, a variety of interest that Zhang Zong and we shared 3G to bring a network service business are good with inadequacy, brought the product information with 3G newest portal for us, interview video and point are below:

·3G portal author holds president Zhang Xiangdong concurrently: 3G brings an user better network rate, and the it is better to help everybody obtain namely 3G that 3G portal should do uses an experience.

    To the occurrence of 3G, mr Zhang Xiangdong is opposite from the angle of a website and software provider its did an analysis, he thinks 3G brought people faster network bandwidth, and 3G portal should do how let pragmatize of bandwidth of this high-speed network. Regard China as the area the biggestMobile phonePortal website, 3G portal is providing an user while good network news supports, still made more service software, make what the user uses the experience with these can better software to bring us to go up in speed to 3G carefree what go up with the service is convenient.


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