

4 月

Does Suoniaili believe X5- completely transparent


pda phoneDoes Suoniaili believe X5- completely transparent touch accuse? Suo Ni loves to establish a letter to want to push Pureness2 to take the place of

2009-12-12 10:43:34

unlocked phones; is currentAll alone Niaili is believedPurenessAppear on the market already formally, but transmit again from abroad recently about Pureness the message of the 2nd generation, the message says the Suoniaili of the 2nd generation believes Pureness to will provide fewer function, with intelligenceMobile phoneBounds of make a clear distinction.

All alone Niaili is believedPureNess mobile phone

   Additional, still the message says mobile phone of the 2nd Pureness will cancel current key-press design, this lets us feel very open-eyed, be change present key-press to touch accuse? Perhaps all alone Niaili believes a plan to roll out completely transparent touch accuse a mobile phone? Of course, as the progress of science and technology, everything happens likely, expect mobile phone of this the 2nd acting Pureness what we can do at present namely as soon as possible exposure.

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